Behold! A picture blog to feast your eyes upon!
On our way to the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Airport!
The Dallas Airport. Very modern looking.
Ogden: Home of this sign.

Also home to this Mormon thing and a collection of painted horses.
A theater themed like ancient Egypt. Can't get much cooler than that.
My water had a strawberry in it. Imagine that. Much better than a lemon, that's for sure.
Something was on fire. We spent the drive theorizing what it was.
Here you go, history nuts. The monument at Promontory Point.
If train A leaves the West traveling 100 MPH and train B leaves the East traveling at 100 MPH in a winding, curving fashion and the distance between the two is a whole continent, how far from the East will it be when the two trains meet?
Salt Lake. It smelled really nasty. This is how I think the moon would look if it had water on it.
For those of you who follow me on facebook, I'll be uploading more pictures with people in them there.
Hannah! These are BEAUTIFUL! The color is fabulous! You should send the train picture to Mrs. McGuffey.