
Welcome to my blog. Follow my intermittent thoughts as I write, watch movies, read books, and generally stumble my way through modern media.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Utah!

Behold! A picture blog to feast your eyes upon!


On our way to the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Airport!

The Dallas Airport. Very modern looking.

Ogden: Home of this sign.

Also home to this Mormon thing and a collection of painted horses.

A theater themed like ancient Egypt. Can't get much cooler than that.

My water had a strawberry in it. Imagine that. Much better than a lemon, that's for sure.

Something was on fire. We spent the drive theorizing what it was.
Here you go, history nuts. The monument at Promontory Point.
If train A leaves the West traveling 100 MPH and train B leaves the East traveling at 100 MPH in a winding, curving fashion and the distance between the two is a whole continent, how far from the East will it be when the two trains meet?

Salt Lake. It smelled really nasty. This is how I think the moon would look if it had water on it.
For those of you who follow me on facebook, I'll be uploading more pictures with people in them there.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah! These are BEAUTIFUL! The color is fabulous! You should send the train picture to Mrs. McGuffey.
