
Welcome to my blog. Follow my intermittent thoughts as I write, watch movies, read books, and generally stumble my way through modern media.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Everyday in April...

... or something like that. Katie has convinced me to give it a shot, but I don't have nearly enough to say to do something every single day. This should be interesting.

So there's one other event in April: Script Frenzy. It's like National Novel Writing Month, except you have to write 100 pages of script in 30 days. It's not nearly as hard as writing a 50,000 word novel, and I found last year that it wasn't that great of a challenge. I probably won't be doing it this year, just because with graduation and such coming up there are more pressing things. Last year I finished it in... about a week? Mariah finished it in well under a week, so I don't think either of us are doing it again.

Yesterday I bought a new album, Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. I've been listening to their music for a couple of years now, since I got one of their live albums for free. Most of their songs are duets, and I'm always fond of that kind of music.

Now, today was April Fools Day. April Fool's Day? I'm never sure if there is an apostrophe or not. There weren't nearly as many pranks as I had expected, but there were a few, including some cupcakes that weren't actually cupcakes (cold mashed potatoes and meatloaf in disguise), taped sink sprayers, and the like. This day isn't as epic as I remember it being, but then again, I've never been much for pranking.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, you'll have to tell me more about these cupcakes.
