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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Paper? For Math?

Yes, I'm writing a paper for math. I think it's part of a "writing across the curriculum" program that was instated at my school a few years ago. There really isn't writing all of the way across the curriculum like they had probably hoped, but all I know is that I have to write a math paper once a year. I don't really mind, but this year I got the most vague and general topic possible: math in space.

So I've been scrambling to find somewhere, anywhere to find info about this. I don't even know where to start. Even the internet seems to be at a loss when I make searches. I went to the library and picked up two books (The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy and The Universal History of Numbers). There's no way I would read either of those books on my own, and they certainly aren't light reading. They did look promising, so let's hope something useful is in them.

1 comment:

  1. Math papers are stupid. I'll come out and say it proudly. They're busy work and we are far too busy for busy work.
