
Welcome to my blog. Follow my intermittent thoughts as I write, watch movies, read books, and generally stumble my way through modern media.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3

No writing today. Too busy. This is when my head-start comes in handy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2

So, I was just going back over what I've written so far and got so distracted by what I had written in one scene that I forgot that I was formatting it. That's a good sign that I'm writing something I would enjoy, right?

I went to the doctor today and couldn't go to school since I was trying to rest from being sick, but of course I didn't get any writing done with all of that extra time. Even though I didn't start writing until 9 at night, I've still managed to keep my lead on the daily word count, but only just. Hopefully, I'll pull even farther ahead with my buffer tomorrow.

Now with chapter 2 out of the way, I'm finally getting to the wild, unplanned frontier of my main story arc. I feel like a pioneer wandering out into the wilderness, armed only with a flashlight and a vague map that has landmasses shaped like food stains, "Here there be plot bunnies" marked in blank spots, and lakes that vaguely resemble character deaths. This should be fun.

5911 words (1855 words ahead of last year)!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1

Day one for NaNoWriMo is drawing to a close. It's been a productive day writing so far. It's all I've done this afternoon since I'm determined to get ahead in the very likely case that I won't be able to write some days. I'm 2548 words ahead of the minimum for the day, which gives me about a day and a half in case something happens. I'm also 1177 words ahead of where I was at the end of the day last year, so that's an improvement.

I've finished the prologue and chapter one, so I think I've (somewhat) set up the backstory and I've started my plot on the event that sets off the main course of events.

Let's see where this goes from here.

4215 words!