
Welcome to my blog. Follow my intermittent thoughts as I write, watch movies, read books, and generally stumble my way through modern media.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Questions from Katie!

Because I'm at a loss as to what to write, I'll be answering random questions from Katie.

Q:What all did you eat today?
A:Haha, this may be embarrassing. I nibbled on food all day today. It involved some granola bars, a petit four, cottage cheese and mandarin oranges, peanut M&Ms, ham, and a popsicle. There may or may not have been some more in there. Heh.

Q: What do you think of when I say "Marshmallow"?
A: I think of this time when I roasted marshmallows as a kid. We were out in the woods around our house, and we had built up a fire. I think one got dropped on the ground, and our dog Bruno ate it. It got stuck on his nose, and he spent a long time afterwards trying to lick it off.

Q: What is your favorite frozen yogurt topping?
A: Kiwi! I don't know why, but I just love kiwi on top of vanilla frozen yogurt.

Q: Would you rather be burning up/almost dehydrated or FREEZING cold?
A: I would rather be burning up, I guess. Neither sounds very enjoyable, but when I get cold my feet go all numb and frostbitten looking.

Q: Explain the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."
A: Well, you see, the explanation involves me making things up completely, since I have no idea what I'm talking about. A long time ago, there was a storm so bad that it swept away all of the animals in the world into a big tornado (which is a Spanish word, but the storm was before Spain). When the winds finally died down, all of the animals were deposited topsy-turvy on the villages, the rivers, and the hills. It was a great mess, but as they fell from the sky, the people shouted "It's raining cats and dogs!" THE END.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Paper? For Math?

Yes, I'm writing a paper for math. I think it's part of a "writing across the curriculum" program that was instated at my school a few years ago. There really isn't writing all of the way across the curriculum like they had probably hoped, but all I know is that I have to write a math paper once a year. I don't really mind, but this year I got the most vague and general topic possible: math in space.

So I've been scrambling to find somewhere, anywhere to find info about this. I don't even know where to start. Even the internet seems to be at a loss when I make searches. I went to the library and picked up two books (The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy and The Universal History of Numbers). There's no way I would read either of those books on my own, and they certainly aren't light reading. They did look promising, so let's hope something useful is in them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Showers

Apparently a monster storm is heading this way. I don't really care much about it as long as I get out of school, but that's probably unlikely. I'm going to go ahead and cut this off here, before the power goes out.


Three hours later...

My power knocked out the internet just as I was clicking publish. How's that for humor? All of the sudden the lights were flashing on and off, and hail was hitting the windows so hard we had to shout to hear each other. Let's try publishing this again.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello Again

I'm back for the second blog of the day. I spent most of today just relaxing after a long, stressful week.

I don't think I've announced it here on my blog, but I've finally picked which college I'm going to, and I have my housing lined up! After so many months of dragging my feet and deliberating (but mostly dragging my feet), I picked Auburn. It was a strange move for me, since I've pretty much rejected college football and large campuses all of my life. This should be an adventure.

I'm excited to start getting the stuff together for my dorm. I've always enjoyed planning how to decorate my room, and this is a chance to get a fresh start at that. My I've already purchased my comforter for my bed, and a lamp to match it.

Words are Curious Things

Hah. The blog everyday thing lasted... a day. Without Katie around to pester me, it's far too easy to forget. So instead, I'm rewording it to be "A Blog for Every Day in April". I can do that. So today, you get two blogs!

I'm growing a marigold in my windowsill. I've just decided to name it Gerald. His little cotyledons (thank you, science class) popped up out of the dirt last night.

But enough of that.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Everyday in April...

... or something like that. Katie has convinced me to give it a shot, but I don't have nearly enough to say to do something every single day. This should be interesting.

So there's one other event in April: Script Frenzy. It's like National Novel Writing Month, except you have to write 100 pages of script in 30 days. It's not nearly as hard as writing a 50,000 word novel, and I found last year that it wasn't that great of a challenge. I probably won't be doing it this year, just because with graduation and such coming up there are more pressing things. Last year I finished it in... about a week? Mariah finished it in well under a week, so I don't think either of us are doing it again.

Yesterday I bought a new album, Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. I've been listening to their music for a couple of years now, since I got one of their live albums for free. Most of their songs are duets, and I'm always fond of that kind of music.

Now, today was April Fools Day. April Fool's Day? I'm never sure if there is an apostrophe or not. There weren't nearly as many pranks as I had expected, but there were a few, including some cupcakes that weren't actually cupcakes (cold mashed potatoes and meatloaf in disguise), taped sink sprayers, and the like. This day isn't as epic as I remember it being, but then again, I've never been much for pranking.