
Welcome to my blog. Follow my intermittent thoughts as I write, watch movies, read books, and generally stumble my way through modern media.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Movie Monday: Groundhog Day (PG)

I was less than a month old when this movie came out, but then again, most of my favorite movies are before my time. I'm going to start a series of themed blog post days, and that makes today Movie Monday. I thought this would be a good first movie since I had been thinking about it earlier through a long, strange train of thought. It led my along its winding path to think that if I was stuck in today, doomed to repeat it over and over, that wouldn't be too bad. After going crazy like the character of the movie does, I could spend my time doing various things and learn life lessons along the way. But to be sure, I definitely wouldn't kidnap a groundhog and drive off a cliff with it.

From a storytelling standpoint, I really love the characterization of the main character and how his imprisonment in time slowly changes him and makes him a man everyone looks up to. He learns from his mistakes (and he makes plenty of them), becomes a better man, and even manages to befriend and save everyone in the town at some point. I wouldn't recommend this movie for younger audiences, but it certainly is among my favorites.


  1. :D This is one of my favorites, too, thanks to you!
    I'm excited about your themed days! I'm really looking forward to them!

  2. Yay for themed Mondays! I don't remember how I really felt about this movie... I think that I thought that it was interesting but strange at the same time.

    PS. "Characterization of the character"? That stuck me as funny for some reason.
